Introducing Fetch! Puppy Playtime

Socialization with other puppies can be such an important part of raising a happy, well adjusted puppy.


However, it can be difficult to find the right playmates.


To answer the need and allow our puppies to interact in a controlled and safe environment with other pups their own age, Fetch! Dog Training is offering trainer-guided Puppy Playtime.


Benefits of Positive, Supervised Puppy Play:

• Give your puppy natural outlet for mouthy impulses
• Truly tire them out
• Build puppy’s communication skills with other dogs
• Teach bite inhibition, making them an adult dog who is safer to be around

Who Can Join?:

You and any puppy under 18 weeks old that is current on their age specific vaccinations.

Sign up as soon as possible to start socializing your puppy!


What is the Cost?:

$35 per Playtime


How many puppies are in a Playtime?:

We will have a max of 5 puppies per Playtime and a minimum of 2.


What to Expect:

Puppy Playtime will last about 45 minutes with as many breaks as needed and a ten minute potty break after 20 minutes.

We will have fun obstacles and toys for the puppies to interact with during play as well as areas for them to take a break if needed.

Throughout the playtime, I will talk through the body language that we are seeing and give feedback on your puppy’s interactions with other dogs.

This will help when you see them interact with other dogs in your yard or out on a walk.


Is it Safe?:

Yes! Safe, positive socialization before 16 weeks is critical in their development.

All puppies will be vaccinated based on their age and proof of that vaccination is required for playtime.

There will also be safe areas for our smaller puppies and those who are a little shier so we can let them ease into the playtime. We will also have a place for our pups to take a time out as needed if play gets too rough.

For more information on the importance of early socialization, check out the by clicking on the link below.

American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s position statement

Where are the Playtimes held?

The Playtimes are held at the Fetch! training space at Glenview Animal Hospital (2400 Waukegan Road, Glenview)


When are the next Playtimes scheduled?


    • Wednesday, October 9 @ 5:00 pm
    • Wednesday, October 23 @ 5:00 pm
    • Wednesday, November 6 @ 5:00 pm
    • Thursday, November 14 @ 5:45 pm
    • Wednesday, November 20 @ 5:00 pm
    • Sunday, November 24 @ 10:00 am
    • Wednesday, December 4 @ 5:00 pm
    • Sunday, December 8 @ 10 am


How Do I Sign Up?:

Click on the link above or below this section to reserve your spot for one, two or more of the Puppy Playtime dates.


Once I receive your registration, you will get confirmation along with the invoice and a request for your puppy’s vaccination certificates.


Can I Sign up for more than one?

Yes! You can sign up for as many Puppy Playtime’s as long as your puppy is 17 weeks or younger.


We also take into consideration if your puppy becomes more rowdy or too large for play as they get closer to 18 weeks.